Roy and Phyllis Belfield

Active members of the Winnipeg Centre.

ROY AND PHYLLIS BELFIELD received the Service Award jointly in 1976. Throughout the '70s their dedication was of vital importance to the Winnipeg Centre and to astronomy in Manitoba. The basement of their home was used as a Centre office, library, and informal meeting place, and their backyard observatory was the focus of many enjoyable observing sessions lasting until the wee hours of the morning. They were both excellent astrophotogaphers and helped many others to develop this interest - Roy usually at the telescope and Phyllis in the darkroom. They prepared numerous popular slide shows for use in schools and thought nothing of travelling far afield to promote astronomy. With their active encouragement, an association straddling the international border flourished in Gretna, Manitoba and Nichi, North Dakota, during the mid-'70s. In addition to all these activities, Phyllis helped out with mall displays, star nights, refreshments, served the Centre as Librarian, Editor and Vice-President and made major contributions to the History of the Winnipeg Centre published in 1977.

Roy, as Vice-President and President, was the driving force behind the establishment of the Centre's Glenlea Observatory which, in fact, was modelled after the one in his own backyard. He was much sought-after as a speaker by various schools, camps and other groups and as a result was invited to become a part-time lecturer by the University of Winnipeg where he conducted in service astronomy classes for teachers.

After moving to Victoria, Mr. and Mrs. Belfield served the Centre there as Vice-President and Treasurer in 1985. Roy was not in good health and died in 1993.

Peter Broughton (from Looking Up)

Belfield, Roy/Phyllis