The first issue of this Handbook was received with much favor, and there is reason for believing that it has decidedly increased the interest in Astronomy throughout the country.

In preparing this, the second issue, the Editor had hoped to make great improvements by utilizing many valuable suggestions received from students and observers in various parts of Canada, but the limited funds available have delayed the realization of these hopes. The enlargement and improvement will be made just as soon as possible.

It is a pleasure to acknowledge assistance received from various members of the Society.

In the Calendar are to be found the Equation of Time, the Sun’s Declination, the co-ordinates of Polaris; and in addition the times of rising and setting of the Sun and the Moon for five well-distributed points in Canada, namely, midway between Halifax and St. John, Quebec, Toronto, Winnipeg, and midway between Vancouver and Victoria. For the calculations in the latter we are indebted to Mr. F. L. Blake, of the Toronto Meteorological Observatory.

The summary of the values of the Magnetic Elements for the last six years was supplied by Director Stupart of the Canadian Meteorological Service.

The notes on the Planets will enable ordinary observers to follow their courses throughout the year.

In preparing the Predictions on pages 57 to 81 generous assistance was given by Messrs. Stewart and Motherwell, of the Dominion Astronomical Observatory, Ottawa. It was intended to include in this year’s publication a paper outlining the uses of a small telescope, and giving an estimate of the cost of such, but for the present this is regretfully held over. For the information of beginners, however, the following works are mentioned:—

Half-hours with the Telescope. By Proctor. (Price 2s. 6d.)

Half-hours with the Stars (price 3s.) and The Stars in their Seasons (price 5s.). By the same author. Each contain 12 maps and explanations.

Astronomy with an Opera Glass. By Serviss. (Price $1.50)

Astronomy Without a Telescope. By Maunder. (Price 5s.)

Anyone desiring information regarding small telescopes might write to Mr. J. R. Collins, 23 North Street, Toronto, Secretary of the R.A.S.C.

Those using the Handbook will confer a favor on the undersigned by communicating suggestions for improvement.

The Editor.
Toronto, December, 1907.

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