
This page is preserved here as part of the RASC's Digital Archives. Some information may be out of date.

Science Courses

Join us throughout the year for courses for budding citizen scientists! Learn how we use our telescope to advance astronomical research while testing your skills on data directly from the scope. You can even join in (live, virtually) for a night or two of observations using the telescope.


Exploring Exoplanets

Most recent course: August 4 - September 8 2021
Next course: Autumn 2022

Anyone with a Windows, Mac or Linux computer can learn how to image and analyze exoplanet transits in our newest course! Join us to learn what makes a good exoplanet for us to image, image it and then find the exoplanet in the data. We'll even show you how to take the skills you learn and apply it to data provided by space telescopes. Become a citizen exoplanet hunter today!


Spotting Supernovae

Next course: Early 2022

Stay tuned for this course! It is next in line to be developed. We will post more information soon.


Imaging Variable Stars

Next course: Mid 2022

Stay tuned for this course on all kinds of variable stars and how to image them!

Last modified: 
Sunday, October 24, 2021 - 10:47am