LPA Certificates of Merit

This page is preserved here as part of the RASC's Digital Archives. Some information may be out of date.

RASC Light Pollution Certificate of MeritCertificate of Merit

The RASC - through its Light-Pollution Abatement (LPA) Committee - recognises individuals, citizen groups, businesses and communities who adopt responsible and environmentally sensitive approaches to outdoor lighting. The tangible form of this recognition is the award of the RASC Light Pollution Abatement Program's Certificate of Merit. Certificates are presented at the RASC's General Assembly or other suitable venue anywhere in Canada.

The RASC Light Pollution Abatement Award recognizes organizations in Canada that have demonstrated leadership in the promotion of improved lighting practice through their activities in reducing glare, light trespass and artificial sky glow.The award will be given from time to time, as determined by the RASC LPA Committee, to organizations (business, government, institution or citizen groups) anywhere in Canada.

Nominations are made to the RASC National Office by a third-party. We suggest nominators first contact the  Light-Pollution Abatement (LPA) Committee to discuss the details of the application.


Year  Location & Acheivement 
2007 Mont Megantic Observatory Establishment of Dark Sky Preserve, Quebec 
2006 Elk Island Provincial Park, AB-Establishment of Dark Sky Preserve, Alberta 
  Point Pelee National Park - Establishment of Dark Sky Reserve, Ontario 
2005  Cypress Hills Inter-Provincial Park Establishment of Dark Sky Preserve, Alberta and Saskatchewan 
2003  City of Calgary - Envirosmart re-lamping Program 
  City of Abbotsford - New lighting policy in support of the MacDonald Park Dark Sky Reserve 
2001  City of Oshawa - New lighting policy calling for full cut-off fixtures 
1996  Alberta Transportation & Utilities (Edmonton) TransAlta Utilities Corporation (Calgary)- New lighting policy calling for full cut-off fixtures 
1995  Town of Richmond Hill - Full cut-off lighting policy in support of David Dunlap Observatory


Nominations for the award shall be submitted to the RASC LPA Committee on or before January 31 of the year it is to be awarded. More than one award may be given based on the merit of nominations received.

The nomination shall consist of:

  1. A rationale for giving the award to the organisation; and
  2. Shall identify the organisation, departments and individuals responsible for the initiative.

The Light Pollution Certificate shall be awarded to a representative of the recognised organisation at the RASC Annual Meeting or other suitable venue.

We encourage the RASC and award recipient to maximise media coverage to further the goal of light pollution abatement.

Applications for the Light-Pollution Abatement Award should be made to:

LPA Committee Chair

Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
203 - 4920 Dundas St W
Toronto ON  M9A 1B7

RASC LPA YouTube Playlist