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THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF CANADA STANDING COMMITTEE ON OBSERVATIONAL ACTIVITIES Bulletin No. 1 September 1, 1961. With the sixteen Centres of our Society spread over some three thousand miles, it is not surprising that sane of us have little opportunity of getting to know each other. Over the past few years, however, a very definite effort has been made to bring the Centres into closer contact. First was the decision to hold every alter- nate Annual Meeting outside of Toronto, provided, of course, that invitations from the Centres were forthcoming. Then the Annual Meeting was extended into a two-day session, with members being given the opportunity to present papers at a morning paper session. Next was the introduction of an exhibit at the Annual Meeting of observational work done by the members. There can be no doubt that much has already been accomplished by these measures. In addition to the foregoing, just over two years ago a Committee on Co- operation Between Observing Centres was appointed to look into the possibilities of providing a system for the regular exchange of reports and of developing an observation programme on a national basis. In March 1961 this Committee presented its final recommendations to the National Council. Their report was approved by the National Council and the Camnittee was then dissolved, to be replaced by the Standing Committee on Observational Activities, appointed by the National Council and consisting of a National Chairman and three other members. This Committee is responsible for the organizati on of a programme under eleven fields of observational activity, each field to be headed by a National Co-ordinator, appointed by the National Council on the recommendation of the Committee. There are many points still to be settled. To date only five National Co-ordinators have been appointed. It is realized, too, that eventually Assistant Co-ordinators will be required in sane fields. We are eager to get started, however, and this Bulletin is being issued to give you sane understanding of how the whole organization will operate. We especially want to emphasize the following points:- 1. It is not expected that all Centres will participate in all fields of activity and, while we certainly hope that each Centre will take part in at least one, no pressure will be brought to bear on any Centre. 2. No Centre will be asked to relinquish its own way of doing things. While each Co-ordinator will develop a programme, making instructions and report forms available to those who want them, our primary aim is the pooling and exchange of information rather than standardization of procedure. The Co-ordinators will probably get a lot of good ideas from reports on programmes already in operation. 3. There is no reason why the proposed organization should interfere in any way with work that Centres are now doing in co-operation with other organizations, such as the A.A.V.S.O., the A.L.P.O., etc.
Bulletin No.1 (continued) Standing Committee on Observational Activities 4. It is hoped that no Centre will hesitate to participate simply because very few of its members are active observers or because its observers lack experience. Collectively we can do more than we could accomplish individually. With someone to co-ordinate its efforts, even a group that c omprises only one member from each of several Centres could soon produce results, and the Co- ordinator will be ready to give all the help requested. 5. It is felt that each National Co-ordinator should have one contact with each Centre. If he were to attempt to correspond with individual observers, he could easily be snowed under. Therefore, where a Centre has more than one observer in any field, the Centre should decide who is to be the contact with the National Co-ordinator. Attached is the list of Fields of Activity and National Co-ordinators appointed to date. You will be hearing in due course from each of the Co- ordinators. It is important that these Bulletins be brought to the attention of the members who are interested in observational work. We are sending this first Bulletin to the President and the Secretary of each Centre and also to the Director of Observations (or Telescopes) where we have the names of such individuals. If your Centre does not have a Director of Observations, would you appoint someone to act as your main contact with our Committee and advise us of his name and address. Contacts f or the various fields of activity need not be appointed until you have heard from the Co-ordinator and then only for the fields in which your Centre decides to participate. R. V. Ramsay, National Chairman, 3 Medici Court, Standing Committee on Observational Activities Scarborough, Ontario.
THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF CANADA STANDING COMMITTEE ON OBSERVATIONAL ACTIVITIES ============================================== NATIONAL CHAIRMAN R. Vernon Ramsay (Toronto Centre), 3 Medici Court, Scarborough, Ont. COMMITTEE MEMBERS Earl Milton (Edmonton Centre), 9634 - 85 St., Edmonton, Alta. Dr. W. L. Orr (Ottawa Centre), 1952 Fairbanks Ave., Ottawa 1, Ont. Miss Isabel K. Williamson (Montreal Centre), 5162 Belmore Ave., Montreal 29, P.Q. FIELD OF ACTIVITY NATIONAL CO-ORDINATOR Lunar R. Thompson (Toronto Centre), Box 79, Maple, Ont. Planetary G. Gaherty, Jr. (Montreal Centre), 636 Sydenham St., Westmount, Montreal 6, P.Q. Aurora Borealis Earl Hilton (Edmonton Centre), 96314 - 85 St., Edmonton, A]ta. Artificial Satellites E. Rogers (Calgary Centre), 1507 - 22nd St. LW., Calgary, Alta. Comets and Novae J. Low (Montreal Centre), 411 Brixton Ave., St. Lambert, P.Q. Meteors (Not yet appointed) Solar " " " Variable Stars " " " Deep Sky Objects " " " Eclipses, Transits & Occultations " " " Instrumentation " " "
STANDING COMMITTEE ON OBSERVATIONAL ACTIVITIES MAILING LIST FOR BULLETIN FROM NATIONAL CHAIRMAN Centre Officer Name Address Calgary -President Sam Litchinsky 314 12 St. N.W. , Calgary, Alta. Secretary Mrs. K.B.Meiklejohn 88 Selkirk Drive, Calgary, Alta. Edmonton President Franklin Loehde 11542 - 65 St., Edmonton, Alta. Secretary Dr. D.R. Crosby Dept.of Math., Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton. Ob.Group D. Marven 11046 - 87 Ave., Edmonton, Alta. Halifax President B.W. Allan 419 Windsor St., Apt.6, Halifax, N.S. Secretary Dr. R.L. Aikens 42 Bellevue Aye,, Halifax, N.S. Hamilton President James A. Winger R.R.#3, Burlington, Ont. Sec-Treas. George Murchie 77 Fennel Ave. Fest, Hamilton, Ont. Curator G.M. Vansickle 4 Meadowvale Ave., Stoney Creek, Ont. E. Ostrosser 70 Sussex Ave., Hamilton, Ont. London - President R.W. Richardson 408 Queen's Ave., London, Ont. Secretary Dr. H.R. Kingston 277 Victoria St., London, Ont. Montreal President E.E. Bridgen 241 Clarke Ave., Westmount, Montreal 6, P.Q. Secretary W.J. Cullinan 5009 King Edward Ave., Montreal, P.Q. Dir, Obs. F.J. DeKinder 10724 Emile St., Montreal 12, P.Q. Francais de President Gaston Lebrun 2162 Ave. LeBrun, Montreal, P.Q. Montreal Sec-Treas. Mlle. F. Laforest 36 Deslauriers Ave., Pierrefonds, P.Q. -Dir. Obs. Pierre Lemieux 267 Ave. George V, Dorval, P.Q. Niagara Falls -President F. A. Campbell 2372 Cherrywood Rd., Niagara Falls, Ont. Secretary R. G. Nelson 2019 Keith St., Niagara Falls, Ont. Chairman, Tel.Mak. D. Naylor 231 Stanton St., Fort Erie, Ont. Ottawa President Dr. Ian Hafliday Dominion Observatory, Ottawa, Ont. Secretary A.A. Griffin Dominion Observatory, Ottawa, Ont. Chairman, Obs.Gr. E.H. Dudgeon 247 Knox Cres., Ottawa 1, Ont. Quebec -President J. Alfred Dumont 765 Chemin Ste-Foy, Quebec 6, P.Q. Sec.-Treas.Paul-H. Nadeau 229-Ouest, rue St-Cyrille, Quebec 6, P.Q. Toronto President R.R. Broadfoot 763 Mt. Pleasant Rd., Toronto 7, Ont. Secretary F.L. Troyer 53 Woodlawn Ave. East, Toronto 7, Ont. Dir.Obs. D.J. Fitzgerald 558 Perth Ave., Toronto 9, Ont. Vancouver President Dr. J.A. Jacobs Physics Dept., Univ. of Br.Col., Van. 8, B.C. Secretary Ivor J. Mills 675 West 32nd Ave., Vancouver 9, B.C. - Dir.Tele. S.D. Sullivan 6610 Lime St., Vancouver 14, B.C. Victoria President Dr. J.L. Climenhaga Victoria College, Victoria, B.C. Secretary A. Andersen 1048 Craigdarroeh Rd., Victoria, B ù C. - Dir.Tele. R. Peters 2371 Arbutus Rd., Victoria, B.C. Windsor - President R.P. Nelson 7128 Edgeton, Detroit, Mich., U.S.A. Secretary Gordon Turner 2231 Lincoln Rd., Windsor, Ont. Winnipeg - President W.W. Wright 263 Guildford St., St.James, Man. Sec-Treas. T.D. Cairns 924 Waterford Ave., Winnipeg 9, Man. Kingston - President A.K.F. Turner 297 Frontenac St., Kingston, Ont. Secretary F.M. Taylor c/o Observatory, Queens Univ., Kingston,Ont. NATIONAL OFFICERS President Dr. P.M. Miliman N.R.C., Radio & Elec.Eng.Div., Ottawa, Ont. Vice-Pr. Miss R.J.Northcott David Dunlap Cbs., Richmond Hill, Ont. Secretary J.E. Kennedy 252 College Street, Toronto 2-B, Ont. Treasurer Dr. J.F. Heard David Dunlap Obs., Richmond Hill, Ont. Librarian L.E. Chester 12 Duggan Ave ., Toronto 7, Ont. Past Pres. Dr. Helen S. Hogg David Dunlap Obs., Richmond Hill, Ont. Past Pres. Dr. R.X, Petrie. Dom. Astrophysical Obs., Victoria, B.C. STANDING COMMITTEE R.V. Ramsay; E. Milton; Dr. W.L.Orr; Miss I.K.Williamson, G.Gaherty,Jr.; J.Low; R.Thompson, and E. Rogers
SCOA Bulletin No. 1
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