The Herbert C. Pollock Award was established by the Dudley Observatory to honour the long service of Dr. Pollock as a member and past President of the Dudley Observatory Board of Trustees.

The purpose of the Award is to provide encouragement and support for an innovative project in the history of astronomy or astrophysics, to be undertaken by a faculty member, research associate, or postdoctoral associated with a college, university, nonprofit research institution or observatory located in North America. Applications from persons meeting the other requirements, who are not currently affiliated with any institution will also be considered.

Special consideration will be given to proposals that involve the use of the Dudley Observatory Archives, the Dudley Collection of early astronomical works housed at Union College or the Benjamin A. Gould, Jr. library held by Dudley Observatory.

The Award consists of a maximum of $5,000 to be distributed in the year of the Award. A recipient of the Pollock Award may not reapply for a new award for three years.

For more information, please visit:

eNews date: 
Tuesday, October 27, 2009