
Norman Green

(1913-2007) Anglican minister. Hamilton Centre member; Service Award (1970); NNL Editor (1973-74); National Secretary (1964-71, 1978-80).

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Donald Fernie

(1933-) DDO Director (1978-88); Society President (1974-76).

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Carlyle Beals

(1899-1979) Dominion Astronomer (1946-64); Society President (1951-52); Service Award 1964.

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Andrew Thomson

(1893-1974) Director of the Canadian Meteorological Service (1946-59); Society President (1949-50).

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Franklyn Shinn

(1911-97) Owner/operator of the Shinn Conservatory of Music; Planetarium Director at the Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature; Winnipeg Centre member; Service Award (1978); National Newsletter editor (1978-80).

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Reynold Young

(1886-1977) DO/DAO astronomer; DDO director (1935-45); Society President (1932-33).

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Alan Batten

(1933-) DAO astronomer (1959-91); Society President (1976-78); JRASC Editor (1980-88).

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John Kennedy

(1916-99) Associate professor of physics at the University of New Brunswick and later the University of Saskatchewan. Society Secretary (1958-64) and President (1968-70). Received a Service Award in 1970.

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Henry Horning

(1892-1978) A Toronto physics teacher and principal; Society Treasurer for 30 years; recieved the Service Award in 1960.

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Arthur Covington

(1913-2001) Canada's first radio astronomer; Service Award 1981; RASC Honorary President (1986-89).

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