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THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF CANADA Bulletin No. 8 COMET AND NOVA SECTION SUMMARY OF SEARCHES, 1965 During 1965, 16 observers carried out 1943 searches of 56 areas. Members of four Centres, as well as two unattached members, participated in this program, as shown in the following summary prepared by Mr. David Levy. Member Centre No. of Areas No. of Searches A. Baker Montreal 1 1 Mrs. C.L. Bridgen Victoria 3 163 Miss E. Dack Montreal 1 44 J. D. Finkel " 1 23 R. Gallant Unattached 7 59 D. Levy Montreal 3 146 J. T. Long " 5 245 H. N. A. Maclean Niagara Falls 6 442 K. McCulloch Toronto misc. 65 L. Nikkinen Montreal 1 25 W. Shakalis " 1 20 s. Simon " 1 3 N. Sylvester Hamilton 17 305 V. Williams Montreal 3 237 Miss I.K. Williamson " 2 48 Mrs. K. Zorgo " 4 117 Total 56 1943 THRE NEW COMETS Within a period of five weeks, three new caets have been discovered, although none of these can be seen with the naked we. Observations for the first two were re- ported while it is too early to expect reports on the third. COMET KILSTON (1966b) was discovered by Stephen Kilston on August 8, 1966. As it is not expected to become much brighter than tenth magnitude, no announcement was prepared. However, several active observers were informed of this comet and the Co-ordinator was pleased to receive reports of many observations. Most observed the comet as a small nebulous patch of about tenth magnitude with no tail. A list follows with the number of observations made by each member: E. Bridgen Victoria 1 A. Capper Montreal 1 Dr. G. Fortier Montreal 11 D. Levy Montreal 12 J. Low Montreal 2 H.N.A.Maclean Niagara Falls 3 J. Matte Quebec 2 Total 32
Comet and Nova Section, Bulletin No.8 -2- COMET BARBON (1966c) was discovered on a photograph taken with the 48-inch Schmidt telescope at Palomar on August 15; it was then about ninth magnitude. Since it is becoming fainter, no announcement was sent out, but our active observers were kept informed. Several members searched for this comet, with only one successful observation by David Levy on September 11, who estimated the magnitude between eleven and twelve. It is listed in the ephemeris below; at least an 8-inch telescope will be required to observe this comet. COMET IKEYA-EVERHARAT (1966d) was discovered by Kaoru Ikeya on September 8, but not confirmed until Dr. Edgar Ever- hart made an independent discovery four days later. During the early evening it may be seen as an object with a magnitude around eight or nine. This comet appears to be moving rapidiy. No ephemeris is available at the mcnent, but its position is given for September 12, with the approximate daily motion. It it continues to move away from the sun and brightens, an announcement will be sent out. Ephemeris 1966 00 U.T. Epoch 1950.0 Kilston Barbon Ikeya-Everhart h m o ' h m o ' h m o ' Sept.12 18 13.6 08 46 N 00 44.5 07 27 S 13 18.2 20 27 N 22 18 24.5 05 02 N 00 40.3 10 02 S 4.5 30 Oct. 2 18 37.5 01 32 N 00 35.7 12 17 S east south 12 18 52.0 01 40 S 00 31.3 14 05 S 22 19 08.2 04 28 S 00 27.9 15 23 S Daily motion. Nov. 1 19 25.7 06 57 S 00 25.9 16 12 S 11 19 44.2 09 02 S 00 25.6 16 34 S 21 20 03.5 10 44 S Dec. 1 20 23.4 12 05 S 11 20 43.6 13 04 S 21 21 03.9 13 45 S 31 21 24.3 14 09 S Jan. 10 21 44.6 14 20 S Members who observe these comets are asked to submit their reports to the National Co- ordinator. NOTES: David Levy of the Montreal Centre has been searching for comets with an 8-inch reflector since December 1965. After 48 hours of searching, he has so far discovered only Messier and NGC objects. H.N.A. Maclean of the Niagara Falls Centre made more searches than any other member last year. He also observed Nova Herculis 1963 until well into 1966 although it was a difficult object, around 14th magnitude. Since this Bulletin is mailed only to selected members, would recipients please show it to other interested members. Members and Centres not taking part in this program are invited to do so; instructions will be sent upon request. PLEASE NOTE MY NEW ADDRESS. Jim Low, National Co-ordinator, Comet and Nova Section, Standing Committee on Observational Activities, Box 172, AMF Postal Station, Montreal International Airport, 21 September, 1966. Dorval, P.Q.
Bulletin No. 8: Summary of 1965 Searches, Comets 1965b,c,d